Monday, February 24, 2014

Exchange Control Panel - not only Control Panel after all

When the user goes to Options/Change password in OWA (Exchange 2010), user gets redirected to  Therefore 'ecp' is not for working as 'control panel' only.  (You have to make sure ecp is available from outside access if you configure OWA access through TMG or another reverse proxy device)

Friday, February 14, 2014

How to get list of mailboxes for enabled users only

Task: Provide the list of mailboxes for only accounts that are enabled (excluding the mailboxes for disabled accounts).  This is frequently required for any type of Exchange mailbox migration projects, when disabled mailboxes will not be migrated.

  1. Get the all mailboxes list - including disabled (distinguishedname only): in Exchange Management Console run following command:"Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object distinguishedname | export-csv c:\admin\dn_mailboxes_all.csv -notype"
  2. Get the list of distinguishednames of disabled accounts: using Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell: "Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled | select-object distinguishedname | export-csv c:\admin\disabled-objects.csv -notype"
  3. So - now we have 2 spreadsheets, first has all mailboxes, second all disabled objects - use your favorite way to select only items that exist in person first spreadsheet, but not in second.  I use Excel Pivot table: I combine both spreadsheets in one (simple copy/paste will work) and then I insert Pivot Table with 'count' option for that column...  The lines that have count '2' exist in both files, therefore disabled, so I need only lines that have count '1'.
  4. Copy the ones that have count "1" (therefore either enabled objects or disabled non-user objects) to txt file (c:\admin\enabledobjects.txt in our case).
  5. In Exchange Management Console run following command: "get-content c:\admin\enabledobjects.txt | Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object displayname, Organizationalunit, UserPrincipalname, PrimarySMTPAddress, ServerName | export-csv c:\admin\mailboxes_enabled_users.csv -notype" (note that when you run the script, non-user objects will produce error, that is normal: non-user objects do not have a mailbox, therefore the resulting file will have correct information with only enabled user mailboxes).
I am sure there maybe more elegant ways to do this...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Remove old IIS files with batch file (running on Task Scheduler)

Script below allows you to remove IIS Logs older than MaxDays days.
You can put it in vbs file and create bat file that will call vbs file:
cscript \.vbs
Then, you can schedule execution of that file using Task Scheduler.
Mostly the script is taken from (replace interactive pieces of the script with providing the local computer as a target for the script).

MaxDays = 10

Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName

wmiQuery = "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery) 
    For Each objItem In colItems 
        sWindowsPath = objItem.WindowsDirectory 
Set objW3SVC = GetObject( "IIS://" & strComputer & "/W3SVC") 
    For Each objSite In objW3SVC 
        If objSite.Class = "IIsWebServer" Then 
            strLogDir = UCase(objSite.LogFileDirectory) 
                strLogDir = Replace(strLogDir,"%WINDIR%",sWindowsPath,1,1,1) 
                strLogDir = cscript C:\Scripts\VG\deleteoldiisfiles.vbsReplace(strLogDir,"%SYSTEMROOT%",sWindowsPath,1,1,1) 
                strLogDir = Replace(strLogDir,":","$",1,1,1) 
            objLogFolder = "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strLogDir 
            Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
            Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(objLogFolder) 
            Set colSubFolders = oFolder.Subfolders 
            For Each oSubFolder In colSubFolders 
                If InStr(UCase(oSubFolder),"W3SVC") Then 
                    For Each oFile In oSubFolder.files 
                        If InStr(LCase(oFile.Name),".log") Then 
                             If (Date - oFile.DateCreated > CInt(MaxDays)) Then 
                                oFSO.DeleteFile(oSubFolder & "\" & oFile.Name) 
                            End If 
                        End If 
                End If 
        End If 