Monday, July 30, 2012

Netbackup 7.5 - accelerator + de-dupe - error enabling to use accelerator

When using the option “Use accelerator” on the policy screen, you may get the error that the storage unit can’t be used for accelerator type of the backup. Fix is to manually enable storage server and disk pool for accelerator type of backup by manually adding flag OptimizedImage: the procedure is explained in details on the following post:

Monday, July 23, 2012

HOWTO reactivate the employee in Enterprise Vault Compliance Accelerator v9sp3

Find the AddressOwnerID of the reactivated employee by running following query on the customer DB: SELECT AddressOwnerID, DisplayName FROM tblAddressUser WHERE Surname='Last Name' After findng AddressOwnerID, supply it into the following query and run on the customer DB: UPDATE tblAddressUser SET Deactivated=0 WHERE AddressOwnerID=AddressOwnerID from the query above

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Exchange GRT backup failure (Netbackup) caused by name resolution

The most common problem with backup using Netbackup is name resolution. Servers/clients have to be resolvable by the computer name (not fqdn), which in multi-domain environment brings some challenges (servers have to be added to the hosts file on the client). Most recent problem: Exchange GRT backup finishes with status 1 (ie. not good for single item restore), which was fixed by fixing the name resolution.