Thursday, May 23, 2013

Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator Client is stuck on "Loading the item set"

 Symptom: DA user complaints that items are not loading for review with "Loading the item set" message is stuck on the screen
Following is the fix procedure - performed by knowledgeable sysadmin or dba admin on DA database::

1. Close the affected user's accelerator client
2. Find the PrincipalID of the affected user. Change 'smith' to that user's last name.
SELECT PrincipalID, PrincipalName FROM tblPrincipal WHERE PrincipalName LIKE '%smith%'
3. Find PrincipalIDs of users who have not used the DA Client:
SELECT PrincipalID, PrincipalName FROM tblPrincipal
WHERE ADSync = 1 AND SyncError = '' AND PrincipalID NOT IN (
SELECT PrincipalID FROM tblUserPreferences)
4. Update the user preferences table to change the PrincipalID of the affected user (A) to a user that does not have a DA client profile (B - one of the users found in step 3)
UPDATE tblUserPreferences SET PrincipalID = B where PrincipalID = A
5. Have the affected user log into the DA Client and then log out again. Logging out will create a new Profile in the user preferences table.
6. Have the affected user log back in and test the DA Client.
7. If this works remove the entry associated with user (B)
DELETE FROM tblUSerPreferences WHERE PrincipalID = B

If it doesn't fix the issue, Here is the query to revert the change:
DELETE FROM tblUSerPreferences WHERE PrincipalID = A
UPDATE tblUserPreferences SET PrincipalID = A where PrincipalID = B

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