Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Starting/stopping maintenance mode in large Exchange 2010 deployment

We noticed that StartDAGServerMaintenance.ps1 -serverName SERVER is not working well for large deployments - causes indexes corruption. 

Before putting server in the maintenance, databases should be moved manually or using your favorite Powershell script) out of the server.

After that SERVER can be put into the maintenance node with no problems.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Enterprise Vault - SQL Query to find number of items awaiting indexing

SELECT Count(*) FROM JournalArchive WHERE IndexCommited = '0'

Note: it should be ran on the Vault Database

Friday, October 25, 2013

Configuring POP3s/SMTPs access to Exchange 2010 (part 2 - POP3s)


  • Setting up the X.509 certificate name: in EMC – Server Configuration/Client Access; highlight the server, click “POP3 and IMAP4” tab in the lower pane; highlight POP3/right click/Properties; on “Authentication” tab put popserver.yourdomain.com in the “X.509 certificate name” field

  • Assigning the certificate to POP3:

Unlike the IIS, SMTP, the POP3 certificate assignment fails when you use the “normal” way (ie. Server Configuration/highlight the server/select the proper certificate in the lower pane/right click/”Assign Services to Certificate”), you have to run following command in the Powershell “Set-PopSettings –X509CertificateName popserver.yourdomain.com” (check PopSettings using the command “Get-Popsettings | fl”)

  • Publish POP3 settings to outside:
Follow the article: http://exchangeserverpro.com/exchange-2010-publish-pop3-client-settings/ .   Basically, if you follow the article they have you do following:
  • Check the setting by running “Get-Popsettings | fl”

  • Do iisreset

Configuring POP3s/SMTPs access to Exchange 2010 (part 1 - SMTPs)

  • Create ‘Receive Connector’ for this (in EMC: Server Configuration/Hub Transport, highlight the server, ‘New Receive Connector’ from the right pane) – on the production servers naming convention like ‘Fancy Name Connector’
  • Following are parameters of the new connector:    
       On General Tab: Specify the FQDN: smtphost.yourdomain.com 
       On Network Tab: Use these local IP addresses to receive mail: 'All Available IPv4'; Port: 465; Receive mail from remote servers that have these IP addresses: all 
       On Authentication: Following to be check marked: 'Transport Layer Security' (TLS), 'Basic Authentication', 'Offer Basic Authentication after starting TLS', 'Integrated Windows authentication
       On Permission Groups: 'Exchange users'
  • Allow the group “Authenticated Users” proper permissions (ie. “Accept any Sender”) using ADSIEdit:
Connect to “Configuration”
Navigate to: “CN=Configuration,DC=yourdomain,DC=com/CN=Services/CN=Microsoft Exchange/CN=First Organization/CN=Administrative Groups/CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIB…)/CN=Servers/CN=’ServerName’/CN=Protocols/CN=SMTP Receive Connectors”
             Right click the connector/Properties/Security Tab 
             Set “Accept Any Sender” for “Authenticated Users” 

Run command “Get-ReceiveConnector "hubserver.yourdomain.com\ Fancy Name Connector " | fl” to note the “AdvertiseClientSettings” set to false

Run command: “Set-ReceiveConnector " hubserver.yourdomain.com \ Fancy Name Connector " –AdvertiseClientSettings $true”
Check the setting by running “Get-ReceiveConnector " hubserver.yourdomain.com \ Fancy Name Connector”

Friday, October 4, 2013

Restoring AD/Exchange 2010 environment DAG (ESX-to-ESX)

Task: restore Exchange 2010 environment after complete loss of it (or to restore in isolated environment within different VLAN for testing)

  1. Restore (do not clone) domain controller, re-ip (if you host DNS outside of AD in production, but not in isolated environment, have DNS added to restored domain controller, restart Net Logon service)
  2.  Clone Exchange servers – CAS, HT, Mailbox Servers, re-ip them.
  3.  Fix DAG (through “Failover Cluster Manager”) : 
                  a.       Delete unneeded servers (if you cloned not all servers)
                                                               i.      (You might need to remove Exchange Servers objects using ADSIedit)
b.      Fix IP addresses (highlight the DAG name/Cluster Core Resources/Expand cluster DAG name/IP Address)
c.       Right click the DAG name (under Cluster Core Resources) /Repair cluster

(If one of the cloned nodes of DAG cluster can’t get the Cluster Service started, evict that node from the cluster, remove cluster feature, reboot the node, re-add the cluster feature, re-add the node to the cluster)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Exchange 2010 CAS servers (accessed through TMG) and Comodo wild card certificate

Issue: following symptoms are noticed:

  • ·         Outlook gets disconnected, autodiscover does not work from outside;
  • ·         OWA works from outside;
  • ·         Outlook works from inside.

Investigation TMG logs shows the failed connection attempts with Status: 0x80090325.  Also if you “Test” the firewall rule: it failed with certificate errors.

It’s happening for COMODO wildcard certificate


Compare “Certificates” mmc for working CAS server and not working CAS server.

Notice the “working” CAS server has many COMODO certificates in the various folders in Certificates console, while “not working” CAS server has none.

  1. Export from the working CAS server, import to not working CAS server.
  2. Re-assign Exchange Certificate (click on “Server Configuration” in EMC).

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Offline Address Book not getting downloaded locally - no error (Exchange 2010)

Description of the Issue: in Outlook - Send/Receive/Download Address Book… runs successfully, but Offline Address Book does not get downloaded.

Additional information: both mailbox server on which OAB gets generated, and CAS server to where OAB gets distributed work properly (ie. OAB gets gets generated and distributed properly – great article that helps troubleshoot the process - http://www.msexchange.org/articles-tutorials/exchange-server-2010/management-administration/offline-address-book-part3.html)

Following additional tweaks on the CAS servers fix the issue:
o   Enable Directory Browsing (IIS Manager/OAB site/Directory Browsing/Enable)
o   Assign IIS_IUSRS (CAS_ServerName\IUSRS) and Authenticated Users read permissions to OAB folder (C:\exchange server\v14\clientaccess\oab)