Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Identity' running Set-ClientAccessArray

I tried to change FQDN for Client Access Array in Exchange 2010 by running the command:

Set-ClientAccessArray -Identity 'Array Name' -Fqdn and got following error:

Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Identity'. Cannot convert value 'Array Name' to type "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ClientAccessArrayIdParameter". Error: 'Array Name' is not a valid value for the identity.

I double checked the Identity parameter for Client Array.

Get-ClientAccessArray | fl  Identity


Identity: 'Array Name'

Turns out that Guid should be used in the Set-ClientAccessArray in the Identity field.


Get-ClientAccessArray | fl  Identity, Guid


Identity: 'Array Name'

Running following command:

Set-ClientAccessArray -Identity -Fqdn

allowed be to change Fqdn for the Client Array.