- Setting up the X.509 certificate name: in EMC – Server Configuration/Client Access; highlight the server, click “POP3 and IMAP4” tab in the lower pane; highlight POP3/right click/Properties; on “Authentication” tab put popserver.yourdomain.com in the “X.509 certificate name” field
- Assigning the certificate to POP3:
Unlike the IIS, SMTP, the POP3 certificate assignment fails
when you use the “normal” way (ie. Server Configuration/highlight the
server/select the proper certificate in the lower pane/right click/”Assign
Services to Certificate”), you have to run following command in the Powershell
“Set-PopSettings –X509CertificateName popserver.yourdomain.com” (check PopSettings
using the command “Get-Popsettings | fl”)
- Publish POP3 settings to outside:
- Run command “Set-PopSettings –ExternalConnectionSettings {popserver.yourdomain.com:995:ssl}
- Check the setting by running “Get-Popsettings | fl”
- Do iisreset